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The four just men

The four just men

di Wallace Edgar

  • Prezzo online:  € 9,99
  • ISBN: 9791259912107
  • Editore: Intra [collana: Il Disoriente. Serie Giallo E Noir]
  • Genere: Gialli Thriller E Horror
  • Dettagli: p. 129
Disponibile su prenotazione.
Spese di spedizione:
3,49 €


By the author who invented the thriller. English original edition- Edgar Wallace (1875-1932), British novelist, playwright, and journalist, was an enormously popular writer of detective and suspense stories. The Four Just Men (1905) was his first success. At a small café in the city of Cadiz, four men gather to discuss the affairs of the world. Together, this Englishman, Frenchman, Italian, and Spaniard are known as "The Four Just Men." Using their power and influence as businessman and aristocrats, these unlikely vigilantes have become humanity's only hope for justice, a unified front against corruption, abuse, and anarchy. As news of their brotherhood spreads, gaining them the attention of numerous international intelligence agencies, their list of targets dwindles with each successful move they make. Il Disoriente - Thriller & Noir A paperback and e-book series published by Intra. Global readability, Italian charm.
